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Hi 👋 I'm Sam, the founder of MobileMSK.

I have a background in medical science and a passion for startups.

In 2015, I had my first of two surgeries for recurrent shoulder dislocations which kicked off a 5-year rehab journey, as well as a deeper commitment to my personal health and wellness. I was also exposed to telemedicine and explored the idea for virtual physical therapy which is quite popular.

During my first year of medical school, I started networking and doing research in my free time. I wanted to organize a startup to expand the capabilities of healthcare software, starting with the musculoskeletal space and going deeper than virtual PT. MobileMSK is working on an early version of this technology!

Rishad Usmani, MD is the founder of HealthTech Investors and a board member at Halo Health. He is a practicing family physician, an active investor and an advisor to startups in the healthcare space.

Rishad earned an Hons. B.Sc. from U of T, an M.D from St. George's University and completed his residency in family medicine at UBC. He previously launched a startup called ClinicUp, which closed down in 2022. He runs a podcast called Learning with Rishad and a weekly newsletter on healthcare, investing and entrepreneurship.

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